Experienced Glaziers Ask Lots of Questions

Experienced Glaziers Ask Lots of Questions

If you haven’t already spoken to us, this will become clear quickly…

Glass repair seems straightforward, but would you believe there is almost no standard window or door size? Or,to be more precise, there are so many standards that the entire idea of ‘standard’ stops meaning anything. What does this mean?

Questions are a good thing…

An experienced glazier should ask a number of questions relating to not only the size of the window, but its placement, before providing a quote on your glass repair. AS1288-2006 (the regulation that governs glazing services) has a lot of safety and security regulations, and the kind used is determined by (a) the size of the panel and (b) its location.

Why does this matter…

Breakages can be dangerous. We mean it. Even experienced glaziers can get injured on the job, and that’s after years of dealing with breakages. It has happened to us, too (though not to worry, we’re fully insured).

If someone goes through a window or door and it’s not the type that’s supposed to be in there, an ambulance will often need to be called. Not good.

Safety and security are top priority for our glazing services…

This isn’t the case with all glaziers, and this may be true of sole traders you come across in HiPages. Often, they’ll lower their prices to the point to get the job that they can’t make a profit if they put safety glass in with your replacement. This is a real, growing problem. We’ve been called out to many jobs after someone else has botched it.

Affordable glass services don’t compromise on security and safety…

The cheapest is not always the best. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get a couple of quotes, but make sure you ask what kind of glass they want to put in your window or door. How thick is it? What kind? What does AS1288-2006 say needs to go in there? Ask them, and don’t go with a quote unless they can answer everything to your satisfaction.

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