Glass Shop Fronts’ Installation

Glass Shop Fronts’ Installation

It’s an Emergency…

So you’re a business owner or manager, you’re opening up for the day, and you see a massive crack or hole where your shop front used to be, you’ll like the search for ‘glass shop fronts installation’ to get someone there fast. This will likely feel like an emergency even if it’s not (technically). What do we mean here?

Well, it comes down to the kind of glass that’s in your shop front, but more on that later. We understand that it feels like an emergency, however, because it’s the face of your business, and we all want our businesses looking as good as they can to entice customers or clients.

It’s REALLY an Emergency…

Okay, so it’s truly an emergency if you’re one of the very few (unlucky) people who have ‘float’ (regular, non-safety) glass or toughened (which is safety, but pops on impact leaving a giant hole). In these two cases, we’ll need to organise emergency shuttering for you as shop front panels tend to be large, and special panels need to be ordered and cut to replace them. So, if there’s a big hole, we’ll use wood and sheet metal to make it safe and secure so nothing falls out on anyone, and people can’t break into your business.

What’s the Process…

First, call us. That’s always the best way of getting fast service (we can’t understand when people email us ‘urgent’ jobs…If it’s urgent, wouldn’t you call?).

Second, have a solid description, and preferably measurements, ready. If not, a good glazing company will get your address, then use Google Street View to confirm your shop front dimensions from there, so lead with that.

Third, the glazier will likely want to know how the shop front or door cracked: is there something still there, or has it all fallen out? Is what is still in the frame holding together? Answers to these questions will let the glazier know what kind of panel is already in there, and that’ll help determine if shuttering is required.

For example, if your shop front is one of the many that has laminated safety glass in there, well, unless someone has gone through it with a crowbar, it simply won’t fall out. It’s designed that way, so there won’t be a safety or security risk.

Safety and Security…

As a business owner or manager, these need to be the first things on your mind. Is there any risk of customers or passersby being injured by falling glass? If so, you need to put signs up or cordon the area off to avoid any potential risks and liabilities. Then call us!


You likely have business insurance, and this probably covers your frontage, including your door! A qualified glazing company will be able to advise and help you with your claim, so be sure to ask about that to save yourself some time and money.

The next time you search for ‘glass shop fronts installation’, you’ll be far better informed now to get things sorted safely, quickly, and efficiently!

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